Description for Cybersecurity Team Szpital Wojewódzki im. Św. Łukasza SP ZOZ w Tarnowie CERT (English version) ======================================================= 1. About this document This document contains a description of Hospital St. Lukasz in Tarnow CERT according to RFC 2350 and it provides basic information about the CERT, the ways it can be contacted, describes its responsibilities and the services offered. 1.1 Date of Last Update This is version 1.0, published 2023/20/04. 1.2 Distribution list of notifications about changes to the document Hospital St. Lukasz in Tarnow CERT does not use any distribution list to notify about changes to this document. 1.3 Location where this document may be found The current version of this document is available on: 2. Contact Information 2.1 Name of the Team Hospital St. Lukasz in Tarnow CERT: Cybersecurity Incident Response Team – Team SZBI 2.2 Address Szpital Wojewódzki im. Św. Łukasza SP ZOZ w Tarnowie Sekcja IT ul. Lwowska 178a 33-100 Tarnów Polska 2.3 Time zone Central European Time (CET) - UTC+1 Central European Summer Time (CEST) - UTC+2 according to EU regulations (from the last Sunday of March to the last Sunday of October) 2.4 Telephone Number +48 14 631 53 91 2.5 Facsimile Number None available 2.6 Other Telecommunication None available 2.7 Electronic email address cert[at] 2.8 Public Keys and other Encryption Information Team SZBI uses the PGP key: User ID: CERT Łukasz Tarnów Email: cert[at] Key ID: 9850B2B7 Key size: 4096 Key type: RSA Fingerprint: DBC8 0955 5D8E 1F86 DF35 21FC 2ECF 0969 9850 B2B7 This key can be received directly from our website: 2.9 Team members The ISMS team consists of experts in the field of Cybersecurity issues 2.10 Other information General information about Hospital St. Lukasz in Tarnow can be found at 2.11 Points of Customer Contact Team SZBI prefers e-mail contact. Please use our cryptographic key above to ensure integrity and confidentiality. Regular cases: Contact is possible during business hours: 07:00 – 14:35 local time from Monday to Friday, except for public holidays in Poland. Incident reports, emergency situations: Telephone contact with the Team SZBI and / or an e-mail with details provided by telephone. The phone number of the Team SZBI is available during business hours: 07:00 – 14:35 local time from Monday to Friday, except for public holidays in Poland. 3. Charter 3.1 Mission statement Building competence and capabilities of Hospital St. Lukasz in Tarnow in avoiding, Identifying and mitigating the cyber threats. Contribute to the national cybersecurity efforts. 3.2 Range of activity Team SZBI provides support in the field of handling cybersecurity events for its patients and clients. 3.3 Sponsorship and/or Affiliation The operation of the hospital is supervised by Zarząd Województwa Małopolskiego. The hospital manages its finances in accordance with the principles set out in the applicable provisions of Polish law. 4. Policies 4.1 Types of Incidents and Level of Support Team SZBI is authorized to address all types of computer security incidents which occur or threaten to occur in Hospital. All types of incidents, level of support are defined in Policy of Management for Incidents. The method of handling incidents depends on the type and severity of the incident or event, the elements affected by the incident, the number of users affected by the incident and the availability of resources. Events are prioritized according to their severity and size. Incidents will be prioritized according to their severity and extent. 4.2 Co-operation, interaction and Disclosure of Information Team SZBI exchanges all necessary information for collaboration with other CSIRTs as well as with stakeholder administrators. No personal data is exchanged except with explicit authorization. All information related to handled incidents is treated as protected. Protected information (such as personal data, system configurations, known vulnerabilities, etc.) is encrypted if it must be transmitted in an insecure environment. Information sent to Team SZBI may be provided as needed to trusted parties (such as ISPs, other CERT teams) solely for the purpose of incident handling. Information submitted to Team SZBI may be distributed on a need-to-know basis To trusted parties (such as ISPs, other CERT teams) for the sole purpose of incident handling. 4.3 Communication and authentication Team SZBI uses encryption to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of communication. All sensitive information sent in should be encrypted. 5. Services 5.1 Incident Response The hospital has established an organizational and technical incident response process. The process includes a complete incident response cycle: - handling - managing - resolving - mitigating 5.1.1 Incident Detection and Analysis Incident Assessment includes - analysis of the impact of the incident on the security of information processed at the Hospital - prioritization according to the type and severity of the incident - definition of the scope of the incident - investigating the causes of the incident 5.1.2 Incident Coordination Information security Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the activities, including: - facilitating contact with other parties that may be involved - contact with CSIRT NASK and / or, if necessary, with the relevant law enforcement authorities - creating reports for other CSIRTs 5.1.3 Incident Resolution Includes: - alerting the team and coordinating relevant activities - tracking the progress of work of the team involved - handling of reporting requests - presenting reports 5.2 Proactive activites Team SZBI makes an efforts to enhance constituents immunity to security incidents and to limit the impact of incidents that occur. 6. Incident Reporting Forms Mentioned above information security incident management process is defined by the email (cert[at] incident reporting channel. In the incident report, please provide at least the following information to Team SZBI: - contact details and organizational information: name and surname, organization name and address, e-mail address, telephone number, IP addresses, domain name and any relevant technical elements and observations - scan results (if any) - log extract from the system log (if any) 7. Disclaimers While every precaution will be taken in the preparation of information, notifications and alerts, Team SZBI assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained within.